Nicaragua: Israel has no shame

«Eight women were repeatedly raped during one week by a National Guard patrol. Two of them, named Margarita and Julia, were girls of 11 and 13 years old.

Clementina Hernandez was raped and then atrociously assassinated by a National Guard patrol launching high-calibre grenades. Eustaquia Hernandez, 70, was also assassinated.

Benigna Hernandez, another family member who had es­caped, was later captured and tortured. A finger of her hand was cut off. Pedro Aguilar was brutally tortured, hanged from his thumbs and beaten to unconsciousness. His eyes were punctured and his penis was pierced with a hypodermic needle. He was able to escape but having lost his eyesight he was again captured and then assassinated.» [1]

The above is just a sample of what Nicaraguans experienced during 45 YEARS of rule by the Somoza family who were installed by the US in the 1930s.

«Some fifty thousand people were killed during the 45 years of Somoza rule, 35,000 of them in the last two years (1977-1979), and some 100,000 were wounded.

Anastasio Somoza Garcia’s period of government from 1934 to 1956 was marked by varying forms of repression, including arbitrary detention, torture, rape, killing of opponents, especially peasants and indians, and the corruption and consolidation of the Somoza family fortune.» [1]

At either end of this inhuman «dynasty», when the blood was running deepest, was «Israel».

Just after the US installed their puppet, the Haganah would make contact with Somoza in 1939. Through two of its members, Teddy Kollek and Yehuda Arazi, they would be provided with:

— Nicaraguan diplomatic passports and official authorization to purchase weapons in the United States and Europe for Nicaragua’s National Guard.

— letters of credit drawn against the Nicaraguan government’s account in the amount of $3 million

— Nicaraguan consulates in Europe arranged transport of weapons purchased there for supposed shipment to Nicaragua. The armaments would be loaded aboard Haganah-owned ships and diverted to Palestine.

Fake passports and smuggled arms would be supplied through to 1948 (and beyond?) for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. [2]

The revolution really took root in 1972. A devastating earthquake struck Nicaragua, killing thousands of people and destroying vast stretches of Managua. Rather than help his people, Somoza began systematically looting the international relief that poured in. He scooped up land on the cheap and resold it to his own government for relief camps at ten times the price, sold donated emergency items on the black market, used reconstruction money contributed by the U.S. government to buy cement from his own cement factories at highly inflated prices, and on and on. [3]

In the late seventies, Jimmy Carter banned the sale of weapons to Nicaragua. Israel, of course, stepped in to make a quick buck. By supplying 98% of the weapons, ammunition and aircraft used against Nicaraguans from 1977 – 1979.

At the expense of 35,000 lives.

Somoza was eventually removed from power by Sandanista rebels but not before he looted the Nicaraguan coffers before fleeing.

When Reagan was elected in 1981, he and the rest of the right wing deathmongers, including Israel, went in to overdrive to remove the Nicaraguan people’s saviours.

Despite the widespread acknowledgement of the new government’s genuine progress in health, literacy, recouping finances raped by the Somozas and fair, internationally observed elections, the deathmongers would have none of it. I say «despite» when it’s more apt to say «because of».. [1][4]

They recruited the same rapists, torturers and sociopaths from Somoza’s National Guard and presented them as «freedom fighters». The «Contras».

The CIA would use Israel’s «assistance» to aid the Contras illegally. The Israelis did this using various means, one of the more ironic of which was to ship former PLO weapons to the Contras. [2]

Syria anyone?

Israel would be involved in the «Iran-Contra» scandal. A Swiss bank account from which contributions to the contras were drawn had been set up by Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi and was under the control of Yaacov Nimrodi, an Israeli arms dealer and former military attache in Tehran. [5]

Israelis were helping Argentines to train Cuban and Nicaraguan Contras at U.S. Army bases in Honduras. [6]

The same Argentine military that had «disappeared» thousands in Argentina. 12.5% of which were Jews (Jews made up just 1% of the population). [7]

Israel provided much of the hardware and logistical support that launched and sustained the Contra rebellion in southern Honduras/northern Nicaragua, which specifically targeted the achievements of the revolution in health, education and agricultural production.

That involvement was symbolized by Minister of Defense Ariel Sharon’s high profile visit to Honduras in 1982, and the promises he made while touring the Contra camps on the Honduran-Nicaraguan frontier.

From their headquarters in the U.S.-Honduran base of Soto Cano, the Contras launched terror campaigns against defenseless peasant communities, utilizing rape, torture, dismemberment, and other horrific practices, learned from CIA advisors, to undermine popular support for the Sandinistas. Meanwhile the CIA was carrying out a series of bombings of Nicaraguan harbors, sinking Nicaraguan and other foreign ships, and conducting other acts of terrorism against the country. [8]

Drug trafficking, the usual baggage that it trails and the dregs of humanity, cut–throats and sociopaths that it attracts, meant that the people of Nicaragua were under the cosh of this fake «revolution» for a decade. It was so blatant that it couldn’t be denied — although it was downplayed to the point of blanket censorship in the US media.

«the Contra war was permeated with drug traffickers who gave the Contras money, weapons and equipment in exchange for help in smuggling cocaine into the United States. Even more damningly, Kerry found that U.S. government agencies knew about the Contra-drug connection, but turned a blind eye..»
— John Kerry inquiry in the mid eighties

«scores of Contra operatives were implicated in the cocaine trade and that U.S. agencies had looked the other way»
— CIA inspector general, 1998

«The documentary evidence is now irrefutable that a number of Contra units both in Costa Rica and Honduras opened or deepened ties to Colombian cartels and other regional drug traffickers.»

In 1991, in the trial of former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega for drug trafficking, federal prosecutors called as a witness Medellin cartel kingpin Carlos Lehder, who testified that the Medellin cartel had given $10 million to the Contras

The evidence indicated that Contra-connected smugglers included the Medellin cartel, the Panamanian government of Manuel Noriega, the Honduran military
— CIA inspector general and Justice Department reports [9]

It’s no coincidence that «Israeli advisers» were caught training Medellin cartel mercenaries in the eighties. [10]

During the 1985-86 period Israel sent at least 6 shiploads of East bloc assault rifles, grenade launchers and ammunition to Honduras for the contras. Some of the 400 tons of weapons shipped by Southern Air Transport to Ilopango Air Base in El Salvador came from Israel, via Portugal. One shipment, a «significant quantity» of East bloc arms (interestingly, the only Israeli arms shipment to the contras to be mentioned in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report) was offered by Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin on September 12, 1986. They were to be picked up during the following week and taken on a foreign-flag vessel to Central America. Admiral Poindexter had corresponded with Oliver North about the Israeli shipment and wrote North a note characterizing the deal as a «private deal between Dick [Secord] and Rabin that we bless,» and telling North to «go ahead and make it happen.»

The Congress, which had many opportunities to examine Israel’s activities in Central America and to discourage them, understands the problems attached to those activities all too well but members of Congress would be the first to admit (if only they dared) that they are powerless to restrain Israel. Organizations dedicated to reversing the post war trends in U.S. foreign policy are also unlikely to depart from their ingrained tendency to avoid confrontation with Israel.

Israel’s immunity to U.S. Iaw and the silence it has created around itself by years of methodical intimidation will protect it through the bloodletting ahead. These built-in attractions are also likely to make Israel the vehicle of choice for the next tragic and avoidable essay in covert foreign policy.[11]

Can you see why Israel’s role in the stinking mess, from direct enablement of the slaughter of 35,000 Nicaraguans, taking the murderers under their wing to slaughter more, and protecting druglords was «overlooked»? And still is?

Or how about why the US exposes itself to cover Israel’s ass?

That is control.












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